The Last Snowfall of 2005!
Surfing--Not Cruising--New Year's 2006!
Another New Toy!
Since I was just hanging around the house for the last few days, I finally tried out the CD printing capability of the Epson R200. This is a CD with 110 photos taken by my sister (mostly hers) and me between Fall 2004 and Fall 2005. The CD cover is a collage of some of the photos. The color is not bad, considering the yellow cartridge is nearly gone. Also, it's slightly off center, but I may play around with the adjustment feature next time around, and try a more exciting layout.
Using the printing equipment is really simple; just put your CD (already burned with your music, photos, etc.) in the tray, insert the tray in the printer, line up a couple of arrows, and print. The instructions with the R200 Printer are clear and well-illustrated. Does this sound like a commercial for the R200? Well, like most printers, you can get one for under $100, but a set of replacement cartridges (Epson) cost almost the same as a new printer. As I read on one website, if a printer comes with full size cartridges, just go out and buy another printer! Sounds good--but what happens when we run out of landfill space? However, it is a good argument for living dangerously and using the much cheaper generic ink cartridges and heaven forbid, negating the warranty on the "disposable" printer!
See what happens when I haven't done anything interesting---I start "blabbing" instead of "blogging."
Paris Anyone?
Click on the link below & scroll horizontally: Down and Over to the Left; then hold your mouse on the arrow. Here's a present for you all--a little tour of Paris.
Up Close & Pink!
Just compare this with the photo in the blog below. This one with a flash; the orange/yellow without. Again, this is more true to the actual color of the plant.I do go on--who really cares? But when you talk to yourself, does it matter?Hope everyone had a fun Christmas/Holiday (whatever) and finds themselves "in the pink" in the coming year.
The Color Pink!
Since I've gotten so proficient (lazy)? that I actually posted the same photots & comments on two blogs, I thought I'd add a little something new. These photos are more like the true colors of the poinsettia plant I used to have a little something Christmasy for the apartment.
It's Christmas!

The only real Christmas decoration this year. I can't count the artificial wreath on the apartment door, nor the red poinsettias I used to decorate the Garden Nymph. I thought the colors looked too washed out when I used a flash. These without the flash are brighter, but have a more yellow cast than in reality. What a way to spend Christmas Day--fussing around with photos & blogging! Well, Ariel and I had some minor health issues, so we were kind of housebound. Missed out on the usual wonderful family day at my sister's house with all the nieces, nephews-in-law and the grandnieces and grandnephews. They promised to take lots of digital photos and of course, save a piece of the Christmas roast for me. I actually "cooked" Christmas dinner for Ariel, Belle & myself. Caesar salad, a cut of ham, fresh asparagus with a dash of wasabi sauce (I'm getting sooo gourmet), and a fresh baked yam (microwaved, of course). A glass (or two) of a White Alsace Wine and a big hunk of chocolate for dessert helped to make things festive, along with a Christmas tape.
Getting Looped!
Here's a invitation to check out a film loop of some winter photos. This is just an experiment and not what I wanted to happen. I thought I could have a tiny film loop runnng continuously in the side bar. I saw it on someone's blog--but whose?
Are You Dreaming of a White Christmas?
Hi, All
Check out
Merry ChristmasThis will get your Holiday off to a toe-tappin' start!
So What Does That Make Me?
Just a random thoughtA quote from Womens Wallstreet:"Tips for TIFs
Last year, computer chip giant Intel reported that TIFs -- Technology Involved Females -- were on the rise. Who is this "TIF"? She's from any background, can be any age, is smart, savvy and not afraid of technology. Intel took the info to heart and has actively been marketing its technology to women as well as men. Now, according to a research project just released by Cornell Law School, women are now making 50% of technology purchases -- an industry that used to be dominated by male consumers. "I also read somewhere that the number of "senior" bloggers, while only a small percentage of the blog universe, is also growing.My question is this...If a technology involved female is a TIF, is a senior technology involved female a STIF? I HOPE NOT!
How Sweet It Is!
John gave each of the Board Members a 5x9 portrait of Harrison Park--all on chocolate, including the frame! Thought I'd take a photo before I succumb to the temptation of eating my way through all 21 stories.
Holiday Stuff!
There was a Silent Auction with "Funny Money" at the Holiday Party last Saturday. Here's a photo of all the things I got for my $10 investment: An 8x10 silverleafed frame; a silver snowflake ceramic candle base and silver decorated pillar candle; a mikasa crystal candle holder; bath cubes and foaming bath. Not bad...except more stuff is not what I need!
I Found A New Toy!
Where would I be without PC World? They found me Picasa 2 and! One more thing to mess around with instead of doing the stuff on the "To Do List." You know what, "To Do" is done! I'll be back when I'm done "looping."
I Survived!
Last night I had the unpleasant task of informing the shareholders that we needed a 20% monthly maintenance increase effective January 1, 2006. The reaction was pretty subdued; I think they went into shock! Of course, everyone knows what's been happening with the cost of natural gas and the rest of the utilities. Still, if I were better at this blogging stuff, I'd find a way to post a few bars of Gloria Gaynor's "I Will Survive!"
I know we all feel this way!
Party Time!
Haven't done much blogging lately -- it's the holiday party season. First, the 30th Anniversary of the Newark Museum Volunteer Organization. Although I was the "unofficial" photographer for the event, I don't know who might not want a picture posted in blogland, so I'm only using this one of the table decoration. The celebration on Tuesday, December 13th, was attended by more than 130 people.This was followed by an HPO Employee Holiday Party on Friday, December 16th. 
Since I don't like to post photos of the subjects without their permission, I'm only posting "people-less" pictures. Here's the beautiful table setting for the luncheon, created by one of our talented residents, Ralph. Looks like a House & Garden magazine layout, doesn't it? 
I guess you could post this under "Real & Unreal," but the real cake tasted a lot better than the unreal plastic decorations. I suppose bakeries no longer have the talented people who created buttercream roses that we fought over as kids! These decorations will end up in living forever in some landfill, instead of being recycled on our hips.
Saturday, December 17th was hectic. First, I met Pablo at 7:30 a.m. so we could take Ariel to the vet. She's been sick for the last week. Some $340 later, I'll get the test results on Monday! Then the usual Central Ave bus trek to the Newark Museum for Docent duty. Actually, it was fun, because about 10 people took the "Power Dressing" tour. Back to the bus, which broke down after 2 blocks. Slight problem, instead of going uphill, the driver could only go backwards! After 10 minutes in the cold & wind, another bus came along. Instead of pulling in behind the disabled bus, he decides to go 1/2 a block across the street, and up the hill. So, with about 15 other people, jogged up a hill to catch the bus. This was followed by the usual 1/2 mile walk from the bus stop. Fortunately one of our residents spotted me hiking and gave me a lift for most of the way.
The HPO Holiday Party started at 5:00 p.m., I sure couldn't! After a short nap (1-1/2 hrs), I got down to the party around 7:00 p.m. Still lots of great food and good company. After about three servings of Kathy T's famous Bermuda Rum Punch, who took pictures! Actually, I did get some photos, but I don't like to post without permission. There was also great competition at the Silent Auction. I ended up with about $40 worth of stuff I didn't need for my $10 investment. Since I can't post the people photos, I'll do a still life of my Auction goodies instead. Later! Haven't done much today except dose Ariel with her medication, blog a little, print out some party other words, just hanging out at home. I can't believe next weekend is Christmas!
Just Needed a Little Color
A real pear, and a real rug..unreal color. Just having a little fun before the work day starts. I actually did a cut & paste of the HTML from another one of my blogs. I'm getting to be such a "snerd" (Senior nerd).
Happy Holidays!

Did you see me out there this afternoon slogging through the snow? Our Garden Nymph looked a little undressed for the weather, so I thought I'd add a few poinsettias (although she could probably use a sweater, scarf & mittens). Maybe tomorrow!
Just A Little Chilly Out There!
Finally got around to taking some pictures of the Garden and the Garden Nymph after Friday's snowstorm. Some of trees in the background are still wearing their Fall colors.
Snowy, Snowy, Night!
This was taken on a snowy night in January 2005 at Carole's house. It's quite appropriate for a party called "Farewell, Nicholas & Alexandra." The docents were finally through with a very successful and popular exhibit of the Tsar & Tsarina at Home in St. Petersburg.
It works as a "Happy Winter Holiday" greeting to all!
The black background of the photo & the black background of the blog work!
White Out!
Looked out the's that soft, fluffy wet stuff! Have to get the camera out and get some photos to post. I have docent duty at the Museum today, but I won't know until 10:00 a.m. if they've decided to cancel the public tours or not. I hope so...even in the best of weather, a Friday afternoon is not exactly teeming with visitors.
Here's a web-site an artist sent to me. That's where I spent last New Year's Eve!
There is no way this year's celebration can compare. Not complaining; received my passport and visa for Brazil yesterday, and February is just around the corner.
Once you have the picture, scroll the side bar down and then move the bottom scroll bar slowly by putting your curser on the right ">" and hold down the mouse key for a wrap around view of Paris.
Click on the link below & scroll horizontally:
Only 22 More Shopping Days Until......
I took my usual Saturday stroll on Central Avenue, except I skipped Dunkin' Donuts! First the bank, and then the Dollar Store. Did anyone ever go to a Dollar Store and spend just one dollar? So almost $40 later (but I did get gift wrapping stuff, and some Stocking Stuffer trinkets), what do I run into? The Holiday Bazaar in the Lobby. A necklace & earring set from Adrienne, a woolen topper from Denise, 2 bars of Soap (really beautiful--look like slabs of semi-precious stones--for Christmas gifts), some Patchouli oil, and a Rum cake, curry chicken and a beef patty from Nikki's parents. All that and I never left the building! All this shopping has me tired--maybe tomorrow I'll add a photo of some of the great stuff I got (except for the beef patty and the curry chicken--Ariel, Belle & I finished that off).
Have lots of Museum, Co-op and personal "Must Do" stuff for tomorrow, so I think I'll just have a cup of something and watch a movie--"L.A. Confidential" should keep me awake!
Fun & Fashion - in a Museum
Turned out to be a fun day at the Museum. As Day Captain, I was lucky to have a team of terrific docents. The 40 visitors from Philadelphia for the booked tours left with compliments for the Museum and the docents. Then I hung around with Janet until the 6:30 pm Lecture by designer Mary McFadden. The slide lecture showed the African and other ethnic inspirations for some of her clothing designs. Interesting...followed by a wine & cheese reception in the Engelhardt Court. Ms. McFadden autographed the book I purchased, "High Priestess of High Fashion." Great designer and interesting woman...she's on husband #11, who is less than half her age. Do you suppose being constantly on the go all over the world keeps her young? Sounds like a plan to me!