Another New Toy!

Since I was just hanging around the house for the last few days, I finally tried out the CD printing capability of the Epson R200. This is a CD with 110 photos taken by my sister (mostly hers) and me between Fall 2004 and Fall 2005. The CD cover is a collage of some of the photos. The color is not bad, considering the yellow cartridge is nearly gone. Also, it's slightly off center, but I may play around with the adjustment feature next time around, and try a more exciting layout.
Using the printing equipment is really simple; just put your CD (already burned with your music, photos, etc.) in the tray, insert the tray in the printer, line up a couple of arrows, and print. The instructions with the R200 Printer are clear and well-illustrated. Does this sound like a commercial for the R200? Well, like most printers, you can get one for under $100, but a set of replacement cartridges (Epson) cost almost the same as a new printer. As I read on one website, if a printer comes with full size cartridges, just go out and buy another printer! Sounds good--but what happens when we run out of landfill space? However, it is a good argument for living dangerously and using the much cheaper generic ink cartridges and heaven forbid, negating the warranty on the "disposable" printer!
See what happens when I haven't done anything interesting---I start "blabbing" instead of "blogging."

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