Bard College - Hessel Museum
This photo has works by two of my favorite contemporary artists...the light bulb curtain by Felix Gonzalez-Torres and the wall painting by Sol LeWitt.

Something can imbed a Picasa 2 web album into a blog (I think!) I believe all you need do is click on the album cover to see all the photos. We'll see what happens after this post is published.
Checked it out...and it worked! A lot easier than posting a couple of photos at a time, but I'd really like one of those photostrips or Flickr posts where you can scroll over the photos right on the blog post. Guess I'll have to experiment a little more.
Some observations on the photos...what's missing is the scent of the flowers, the sound of the fountains, and the fine mist of the fog. And of yes, the biggest thrill of all, getting to shake the hands of Andrew Wyeth AND Helga in one of the galleries of the Brandywine. I had to fight the urge to do the tacky tourist thing and ask to take their picture! Another observation..learn digital settings better, and invest in a monopod. That should take care of some of the "artistic" blur!