Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Sunday Bird Watching

A fun Saturday exchanging Christmas gifts (I know, a little late) with my sister, nieces, nephews in-law, and grandnieces and grandnephews. On Sunday I used the 1G memory stick I got as a gift to take some photos in Heckscher Park. After the Picasso, Braque & Leger drawing show at the Heckscher Museum, we had a Greek lunch with enough garlic to keep vampires away for a year! Then a brass band performance at the Library, and a gallery show on the Avenue. A lovely Sunday afternoon & evening at Ann's. What a great escape from the HPT headaches!

Thursday, January 19, 2006
Africa & Contemporary Art

Haven't blogged for a while. While I see some bloggers made a resolution to post everyday, I decided to only blog if I had an interesting photo or comment to make. Sort of like only eating when you're hungry!
Yesterday I spent the entire afternoon at two NYC galleries that featured the work of contemporary African artists. The Skoto Gallery in Chelsea had a solo show of major pieces by the artist El Anatsui.

This was my favorite piece. Here are some close-ups of these fabric-like drapings....

These "cloths" are created from small pieces of metal from bottle tops, "sewn" together with copper wire!