A Fun Sunday

The day started well...I'd forgotten about the time change and so I felt like I got an extra hour! Met Cliff at 10:00 am (Thomy had other plans) and we went to the Metropolitan Museum. First, the Van Gogh Drawing Show. I'd been to the Members Preview, but how bad is it to see Van Gogh twice. It's now open to the public and it was pretty crowded.

Then we saw the exhibit of sculpture and architectural pieces by Santiago Calatrava. I want to live in one of the 4-floor apartment cubes he designed for 80 South Street. Imagine an apartment on the river with views on all 4 sides from every floor of the apartment. I'm guessing that I'll have to settle for taking the Path transportation hub he's also designed. On the way out, visited some O'Keeffes, Dove, Klee.
It was a glorious fall day and we got a chance to get on the Met roof for the last day that's it's open, and another look at the Sol LeWitt sculptures. I took a couple more pictures--all that color!
Then a light lunch at the Petrie Cafe, and at 3:00 p.m. a lecture & slideshow by Santiago Calatrava at the Grace Rainey auditorium. His bridges & buildings are both beautiful and functional. What a legacy to leave behind. Calatrava narrated a beautifully photographed slide show of his bridges and buildings throughout the world, with a Mozart soundtrack. How bad is that! I showed Cliff the photo I'd taken of the Calatrava bridge near the Bilboa Guggenheim in Spain. I didn't know it was a Calatrava at the time. I just thought it was beautiful and loved the reflection in the water. If I can find a way to post the photo, I'll add it to this blog.
After the lecture we went to "Prague." That's the show I didn't get to last time. Quite a few galleries and beautifully mounted and lit.
By then it was almost 5:00 pm. It was so balmy out we decided to walk "a bit" along 5th Ave, before catching a cab. Hah! Once you get away from the Museum, all the cabs are either occupied or off duty. Once we reached 57th Street (from 83rd), Cliff suggested we try the Brasserie Cote Basque. Sounded good to me. Had a delicious meal and the newly redecorated space is charming. We continued walking to 34th & 7th Ave, and got to Penn Station in time to catch the 8:03 pm train to Newark Penn Station. Between the Museum and the walk to Penn Station, I'd estimate we'd done between 5-7 miles. Oh, my aching knees & feet! Hopefully, the walk compensated for the wine & desserts at both lunch and dinner. Another 10-hour day...retirement can be exhausting.
Today I have docent duty at the Museum's "Taxi Day." More walking! I guess it wouldn't do if the tour guide asked for a wheelchair.
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